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Our farm to your table. Our vines to your glass. Merkin Vineyards is on a mission to deliver a 100% Arizona experience to our extended family and community. It’s a mission few would choose to take on, but essential when Regional, Sustainable, and a Sense of Place are the goal.
• All of our wines are produced by MJ Keenan and his team from our 110 acres of Estate Vineyards in both the Verde Valley and Willcox, Arizona.
• Our fruits and vegetables are farmed by Maynards father, Mike Keenan, who moved here from Michigan to battle the Arizona elements daily in our Verde Valley greenhouses, gardens, and orchards.
• All of our pastas and breads are made from scratch in house by Chef Chris, Chef Bri, and our magical kitchen staff using Arizona grown and milled flour.
Mother Nature beats the drum to which we march and jump. So our menu remains flexible and changes weekly or even daily depending on her whims. It’s a challenge and journey we gladly embrace and we sincerely hope you join us in our quest.